I love the game by the way, I've been grinding really hard to try and get past the barrier I'm currently at (consistently get to ~300-350 seconds, have trouble clearing the arena for one of the biggest obstacles after that) and what keeps me coming back is that the game is just very mechanically satisfying.

No concrete evidence on me, but even if they don't do something under Sorath again, I'd be really surprised and disappointed if Matt didn't go on to do more. Matt also still keeps up with the leaderboards of the game and removes cheated runs, which is great. I believe someone in a devil daggers discord also talks to Matt sometimes and mentioned that they weren't planning on being a one and done deal. At some point they rebranded their tumblr site to be instead of though the domain for it is still. Just wanted to say that I believe Matt & the other guys behind it are working on something or intend to. My complaints are the same as ever, mostly focused around the controls being pretty awful at times and the camera having a mind of its own, but it's an overwhelmingly pleasant game to just walk around and enjoy. I'm not finished playing around in it (I managed to teach myself to backwards long jump in around a minute of trying things out, finishing at 50 stars and feeling very satisfied), but I beat the game and am marking it as "complete" in my head. Luckily, it had faded so much in my memory that while every environment felt familiar and comfortable, there were new things to find and secrets to figure out in each level. I hadn't played this in a while, and most of my experience was with the DS version. I normally don't like to do that, but it was getting to be a bit dull. Thing is, once you get to the last 2-3 dungeons, they get far too long and tedious.honestly at a certain point I was like "I get it" and pulled out a walkthrough + used rewind to rush to the end.
Joyfully free for its time in console gaming, combat is tighter and puzzles are more involved than 3D Zelda ever was brave enough to be, and everything just feels GOOD. I'm not as much of a fan as I used to be, but it's still a good game. Not having all old Pokemon was a bad move, sure, but it really doesn't bother me that much. It's so lovingly crafted and reminds me why I love Pokemon.

There's so many creative little NPC stories and stuff all over the place, the region feels so varied and just fucking cool, so many little ways to play with your Pokemon and otherwise feel like they're your friends, so many unique animations for each Pokemon.I love this one. I did the 100% dark magic route and got past where the standard ending would stop the game (even got the achievement), but to be completely honest the 3rd phase in the 100% fight is a giant pain in the ass and I don't plan on doing that. For the most part I echo BestGuyEver's video on Shantae, the movement in this is immensely satisfying and I love how it builds on itself. I actually cannot believe this is real.Ī really really good time. Where DUSK is what you play if you want a new fps that's exactly in the style of the classics, this is what you play if you want to see that classic style rocketed into the future. One of the best games ever, and certainly the best FPS I've ever touched. Despite that, it's a good time and it seems like there's enough bonus stuff to make it worthwhile even though I don't think I'll be diving into that. Really shockingly short and the levels feel like they're designed to be played much more slowly than your typical Mario game. Anyway this can be fixed? I think the creator of Devil Daggers (m4ttbush) are more than willing to share the sensitivity formula in Devil Daggers if he is asked.I've been grinding out a lot of Devil Daggers and Dark Souls (doing an SL1), but otherwise: Date I have no idea why 0.064 needs to be doubled, but it does for this calculation and it gives my the perfect sensitivity conversion for Devil Daggers. This calculation with these values gives 104: I think it has something to do with FOV? Because when I put in my settings, it gives me "Actual HFOV: 106.260205 degrees" for csgo, "Actual HFOV: 129.465984 degrees" for Devil Daggers and a "Max discrepancy: -0.0072%". Around 0.104 seems correct when I measure it. I use 100 FOV in Devil Daggers, and the calculator tells me that 0.064 is the conversion to Devil Daggers. I have sensitivity 1 in csgo, 1600 DPI, 1920x1080 resolution, default WPS (center position). As far as I'm aware, the game has been updated since the calculator was put on here.