And it's come a long, long way since starting life on IBM mainframes in 1956. Fortran is an amazingly powerful and flexible programming language that forms the foundation of high performance computing for research, science, and industry. Using Fortran, low-level machine learning and deep learning libraries provide incredibly easy, fast, and insightful analysis of massive data. Better designs for ships, planes, and automobiles have made travel safer, more efficient, and less expensive than ever before. Using Fortran, early and accurate forecasts for hurricanes and other major storms have saved thousands of lives. Filled with real-world use cases, insightful illustrations, and hands-on exercises, Modern Fortran helps you see this classic language in a whole new light.
In this guide, you’ll dive into Fortran by creating fun apps, including a tsunami simulator and a stock price analyzer. Filled with real-world use cases, insightful illustrations, and hands-on exercises, Modern Fortran helps you see this classic language in a who Modern Fortran teaches you to develop fast, efficient parallel applications using twenty-first-century Fortran. To launch a tool, the appropriate entry is simply clicked in the Toolbox menu.Modern Fortran teaches you to develop fast, efficient parallel applications using twenty-first-century Fortran. Executing ToolsĪfter tools have been added, the tools are accessible via the Toolbox menu. Pressing the Save button will commit the tool to the toolbox. At minimum, a name must be specified for a new tool. Next, the tool properties should be specified in the Tool Entry dialog. To add a new tool to the toolbox, the New Entry listing in the Existing Tools list must first be selected. The Delete button will delete the currently selected tool if the tool is an existing tool. The Save button will save any changes in the Tool Entry panel. The Run button may be used regardless of whether the tool has been saved yet.

The Run button will launch the external program currently specified in the Tool Entry panel.
The Open Console checkbox should be enabled if the tool requires a Windows command window. The tool may also be specified as a Project Tool or a Global Tool via the appropriately named radio buttons.
Full paths may also be used for the Working Directory. For example, if a project exists in C:\projects\ and the Working Directory entry specifies the src directory, the external tool will be launched in the C:\projects\src directory. This entry understands relative directories and assumes all relative directory specifications are relative to the project’s top-most directory. The Working Directory entry specifies the directory in which the external tool will be launched. While this entry may contain the complete path to the executable, tools whose executables exist on the path do not require the full path. The Command Line entry is the executable of the external tool. The Name entry is the visible name of the tool within the Toolbox menu. Selecting an existing tool will populate the Tool Entry panel with the tool’s properties. The bottom panel, Existing Tools, lists current tools. The top panel, Tool Entry, is used to create, modify, delete, and test third-party tools.

The Toolbox Management dialog will then open: Toolbox ManagementĮxternal tools can be configured by clicking the Configure Tools… in the Toolbox menu. Project-specific tools are stored along with the project file, and are often used to configure external tools specific to the current project. Global tools are stored by the development environment for utilization regardless of the current project. Two types of tools are supported by Simply Fortran, global and project-specific tools.

External programs can be configured to be launched directly from the Toolbox menu. Simply Fortran users can add custom tools to the integrated development environment through the Toolbox functionality.