So you can farm a decent amount of gold every day. Complete daily quests with as many heroes as possible.It’s quick and you always get a good amount of gold. So you should have a decent financial cushion on the high edge when the Lich King starts up again. See also Apex Legends ping system now 'patent free' when EA announces accessibility commitment You can never have enough gold in WotLK. Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth (A mount that can trade and repair): 16,000 gold!.There are tons of things you need gold for. Gold is always useful and you need a lot of it at the start of WotLK. And you will soon find out how you get there. However, in order to smartly pimp the pockets (and for much more), you need money. With more storage space at your disposal, exploring Northrend is much more fun. You can then optionally get up to seven additional bag upgrades for the bank slots. At least four larger bags for your main character are actually mandatory. So if you’re still using WoW Classic bags, you should look for upgrades for your storage space. And nobody wants to run back in the middle of an exciting quest line or a tricky dungeon because their pockets are overflowing with valuable stuff. There’s tons of new loot to be found in The Wrath of the Lich King. So you get, among other things, a character at level 70, suitable equipment, gold and special items.

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Special offer: Incidentally, if you’re only now getting into WoW Classic or you don’t want to laboriously grind together the right equipment and the necessary level for Wrath of the Lich King, then take advantage of a special offer from Blizzard and secure special ones Upgrade Packs.